The Galactic Senate Part 6: Creating The Floor.

So with the creation of the floor it was planned as follows: I want to make the floor itself, a hole in the floor, some triangles that seperate and open up the floor so people can go to and from the chancellors holding office, and I wanted to add the tunnels which yoda escaped from to just add a little flared detail (I added doors to these, they are too small for a character to actually go through they are intended to just be a nice detail). It is of note I planned the chamber itself to be approximately half the size of the actual studio model, this is to accomodate battlefront 2’s poly limits.

first I actually started the floor by duplicating the very bottom rows wall, I then duplicated the bottom edges and translated them down and scaled them in to make a taper. This will be the very start of my floor.

I repeated the duplication translation and scaling process with the edges selected until I had roughly this shape.

next around the base of the taper, I applied a basic texture and then plugged in the bump map into the diffuse and used render map to finish my texture (you can read about this process in part 3 and 4 of making the senate if you missed it)

for the next part of the taper I applied a slightly lighter texture, this will actually be the ledge a series of spot lights will rest on later.

next out of the next section of the taper down, I deleted some polygons, this will be where a yellow light bar goes. The deleted polygons will house some holo panels and some cylindrical stands, so the polys are not needed there.

I then installed the light bar texture onto the remaining polygons.

next for the very bottom of the floor I simply made sure the edges in the middle of both sections of the floor were approximately halfway between the two sections of the floor. this is more for texturing later than anything.

and finally I installed a very basic texture for how I thing the floor should look.

and as usual, I installed a bump map to the diffuse then rendermapped my texture to bake the final product.

next I added a cube for the base of that cylindrical stand (im not really sure what those things are somebody tell me if they know)

I then added a cylinder itself to that part, duplicated all the top faces, and scaled them down, I then translated them down to give this nice interior dip shape.

I then took the poly on the back, duplicated it and translated it backwards until I had a little bit of a tail sticking out.

with the modelling complete I applied a very basic texture to the model.

next for the creation of the holo panels base I simply added a cube, and duplicated its faces until I had 3 relatively even subidivisions I ran along the side of the wall where i deleted my polys earlier. I then drew some edges to create a bit of a rounded edge near the top.

I then added and baked a texture to resemble what this area looks like.

for yodas tunnel area I simply dragged a new cube and duplicated the sides, scaled them up and translated them sideways to make roughly 5 new rectangles. I then took the from face on both sides, and duplicated them scaled them down then dragged them to get that nice dip shape.

finally I created a cylinder for the tunnel itself, duplicated its top face and scaled it down and inwards to make that pipe like shape. I then selected the cube and went model > polymsh > boolean > union to merge both objects together.

after applying and baking a basic texture this is how we are looking for that area.

for the hole in the floor I created a triangle and duplicated it, rotated it by 20 degrees and continued this process until I had this nice shape with a hole in the middle ( the hole is left to create a godray in the chancellors holding office later)

for the lights on the floor I simply created cubes and adjusted them until they had a tapered shape, I then duplicated and rotated them across the rest of the floor, note I have a basic grey scale texture on them for now so i can see roughly how they will look before i finalize the textures.

I repeated the process of creating tapered cubes and applied the appropriate greyscale to the second row, duplicated and rotated them into position.

and once all the lights in row 2 were in place this is how my total floor was looking.

finally repeating this process for the final row I applied a nice reddish purple texture to the cubes and applied my appropriate bump map, then simply baked the texture.

Next I placed a series of spot lights facing towards the floor starting from each of those floor lights I used render preview to make sure all the lights looked proper.

with the lights aroung the outer ring after baking the texture with the lights this is how we looked.

and finally after baking the floor spot lights to the floor using render map, exporting the msh and getting it in game, this is how we are looking with the finished floor. Next we will be on to designing the chancellors holding office.

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